Thursday, February 09, 2006

For What It's Worth

I started this blog with one clear thought: Who the hell reads blogs anyway? The purpose of this blog is to collect my thoughts and discussions I've had with others so that they can be easily viewed on the internet. And I make no promises (particularly to myself) about the longevity or continuance of this blog. I only start because:

I am outraged by the response of militant Muslims to the comic that was posted by a Denmark newspaper. Depicting Muhammad in a series of illustrations.

The Purpose (with a capitol P) of the illustrations is to promote free speech and to show that no political or religious group should be able to silence this free speech.

While I am not ignorant of the blasphemy that these cartoons obviously invoke, I am also not ignorant of their right to exist. I am not saying that I agree with these illustrations message. I am saying that I agree that they have a right to be seen, just as the KKK's website has a right to be seen.

If someone depicted the Buddha molesting a child, in a published newspaper, I would be appalled. I would choose to write the newspaper and share my opinion with the editor and that of the illustrator, but I would not threaten to kill them, as that would tarnish why I cared about the Buddha's image at all.

Which brings me to my final point. The people who are killing in the name of this so-called cause do not respect the teachings in which they use to evoke this divine right. It's ridiculous.

Although I can plainly see why this is an not acceptable depiction of the Profit Muhammad. I think that the extremists that kill for it's sake are hurting the cause that they fight for.


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